Title: slime and snails and puppy dog tails Fandom: LOST Characters: Walt and Aaron Rating: PG Word Count: 108 Summary: Aaron is different. (prompt - light, written for lost_in_108, Playing With Matches verse)
Title: it's a bird, it's a plane Fandom: LOST Characters: Walt/Emma Rating: PG Word Count: 108 Summary: He still thinks he can fly. (prompt - travel, written for lost_in_108 )
Title: run through the grass, over the stones, down to the sea Fandom: LOST Characters: Aaron, Ji Yeon, Walt Rating: PG-13 Word Count: 1,194 Summary: No one ever asks if you want to go down the rabbit hole.
Title: bash, asking Fandom: LOST Characters: Esau and Jacob, Walt and Charlie Hume Rating: PG-13, PG Word Count: 216 Summary: Two drabbles written for lostsquee
Title: Back Where I Started Fandom: LOST Characters: future Aaron and Walt Rating: G Word Count: 108 Summary: prompt - games, written for lost_in_108 (banner by angeldylan628 )